About an hour later I was in the kitchen and Will came over and started staring at the moth. Then the sobs ensued for quite awhile. I held him while he cried and explained that it was his time to go. I asked if he would like to bury him in the yard and he agreed this was a good idea. He cried a few more minutes and then said he was ready to go bury it.
We went outside and located the gardening shovel. Will searched the yard for just the right spot, dug a shallow grave and we dumped him out of the soda bottle that served as his home. Will said a few words: "I'm sorry you died moth." and shed a few more tears.
I was able to get him involved in helping me organize the pantry and ever since he's been fine. This was his first death in the family.
Oh, my gosh, this is so funny! Great story. Glad you're on Blogger! I'll add you to my blog roll. :)